NullEdit (gadget)

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The nullEdit gadget is used to make null edits (also known as "blank edits") easier. The primary reason to use this gadget is to make Cargo data refreshes easier, although it can also be used with other extensions, such as LuaCache. Null editing a page does not do the same thing as a purge, and if your page needs to have its queried data updated, you need to purge its cache (?action=purge), not do a null edit.

Installation instructions

  1. You need to be a local/community admin on your wiki to follow these steps, since it involves editing pages in the MediaWiki namespace.
  2. Copy the contents of MediaWiki:Gadget-nullEdit to your wiki. This is the translation string that will display when people look at information about the gadget, so you can modify it if needed.
  3. Copy the source code to your wiki. This includes the contents of the following pages:
  4. At MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition on your wiki, APPEND ONE of the following three options, depending on what config option you want.
    • * nullEdit[ResourceLoader|default|hidden|type=general]|nullEdit.js = it's available to everyone with no opt-out ability
    • * nullEdit[ResourceLoader|default|type=general]|nullEdit.js = it's available to everyone but you can opt out in your user page
    • * nullEdit[ResourceLoader|type=general]|nullEdit.js = by default it's not turned on, but you can turn it on in settings
  5. You may have to wait somewhere between 5 and 15 minutes at this time for server-side cache to update.
  6. Done! Make sure you cache refresh on your browser (Ctrl+F5) on the upload page to see changes.