Talk:Translation guidelines

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Confused about structure

User:Azgoodaz Hiyo! I made some edits to this page that I thought had clarified things (mentioned in Discord on 13 Jan), but it looks like you reverted some of it, so now I'm confused again!

My intent/understanding in my version of that diff, is that people arriving at this page are in 1 of 2 groups:

  1. editors of languages for which a separate wikis doesn't exist at all yet, but they want to start one -- hence only the subpages section applies to them.
  2. editors of languages with already-established separate-wikis -- hence the "interwiki data" section only applies as a subsection of the broader "Independent Wikis" section.

E.g. If someone comes to the Noita wiki community, and says "I want to help make a translation of this wiki into German", then we Noita-wiki editors could simply point them to this page, and they would follow step 1, until they're ready to follow step 2.

But I might be missing some context from other game-wiki-communities that do it differently?

Please clarify! (In the wikipage itself, by priority!) Thanks! Quiddity-wp (talk) 18:16, 27 January 2024 (UTC)


Hi Quiddity-wp, I moved it from the bottom to top since most wikis don't have interwikis setup. It gives people insight on how to create them so people can properly put [[LANGUAGECODE:PAGENAME]] on various pages to move onto Creating subpages which is step #2. If you go from step #2 to step #1, adding in that [[LANGUAGECODE:PAGENAME]] data can be tedious and confusing for most people who ever edited a wiki before. Most wikis if they don't have a dedicated translators won't make it to #3 so putting the interwiki data in this section would be confusing to the reader. -- Azgoodaz (talk) 01:45, 28 January 2024 (UTC)

User:Azgoodaz Thanks for the reply! Ah, after that, and more digging thru the examples... In hindsight, I guess I'd been assuming that the goal is always to get an independent wiki for each language, and that the "subpages setup" was only intended to be a temporary growth step towards that goal... (i.e. because of the challenges with sidebar-translations for readers, search, SEO, etc?).
But now I see that perhaps some game-language-wikis might intend to just permanently use subpages, as it's better than nothing (and the benefits of shared images/maintenance. Makes sense in hindsight.
[I was extra confused by the documentation's use of the term "interwiki" to refer to "subpages"! But i grok naming things is hard, too. :> ).
I guess... I'll stop advising "new translation request/offer" people that they ought to build towards an independent wiki, but instead say that they can do either option -- if you'd agree that's an accurate summary to take-away?
(Also, it might be good to clarify that in the docs page, but I'll leave that to someone who is familiar with both/all options!)
Thanks again. Hope that explanation helps. Quiddity-wp (talk) 09:26, 28 January 2024 (UTC)

Correct, the goal is to go from subpages to independent wiki so that each community has their own independent control of the wiki and implement better search results for SEO, etc. Feel free to make any adjustments. -- Azgoodaz (talk) 14:32, 28 January 2024 (UTC)