TULIPS/September 19th, 2024

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Welcome to our twelfth TULIPS (Thursday Updates & Logs Improving Platform Software)! You can read the previous one if you haven't yet.

These posts will be made whenever we have enough development updates to make a post, usually on Thursdays.

Live now

  • The long-awaited wiki.gg/wikis update has happened!! Yay!!! Go visit that and click a bunch! I'll wait for you!
  • Visual Editor is now enabled in the Project namespace on wikis that have VE!
  • We have deployed some logging that will make it possible for us to grant the "Permissions Administrator" right. We'll want to test this in a limited sample of wikis before rolling out completely, so please let us know if you want to opt into that. Once we have enough wikis opting in for our initial trial, this message will be amended! We have enough wikis for our test now, we'll reopen requests in a week or two when we know it's going well!

Platform stability update

We're very aware that we've had some server outages in recent days. Here's a status update:

  • The outages coincide with us being hit by some malicious scraping bots, which seem to all have Chinese IP addresses.
  • We tried deploying a CAPTCHA for every Chinese IP address as a brute-force solution, but this caused problems for several users as well as some legitimate bots.
  • Unfortunately when we turned off the CAPTCHA we got hit again.
  • We've now deployed a more restrictive filter. If you're still having problems, please contact us!

Upcoming changes

We will start calling the Project namespace "Meta" on all new wikis (in non-English languages it will be called "Project")!

  • This change is intended to alleviate user confusion, particularly when new MediaWiki users create new pages via Special:NewPage!
  • Project will still redirect!
  • Currently, we have no plans to retroactively apply this change on existing wikis. If you want your wiki to get this change too, please let us know!

Known issues

  • Extension:InputBox doesn't permit empty fields when editing a page with real-time previews.