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Foxlit (original author)
MediaWiki 1.39+
Format page links
An example link on Warcraft Wiki formatted with an icon, brackets, and makes use of JS for an on-hover tooltip.

DefaultLinks is an extension that can be used to format a page's link. It was built for Warcraft Wiki (in 2010) and has since been adopted by other communities, including the Hearthstone Wiki.


A parser function specifies the default link format for the page it appears on (even if transcluded):

{{DEFAULTLINK:link wikitext|page title|options}}
Parameter Required? Description
link wikitext Required Wiki-formatted default link text, which must contain a link back to the original page; the formatting text should, as far as possible, be plain wiki text (without use of parser tags).
page title Optional If provided, the link formatting will only be used for the page with this title; otherwise, the formatting will be used on all pages this tag is on if the link wikitext contains a link back to the page in question.
options Optional If this argument contains "silent", some warnings about invalid usage will not be output.

Currently, only pages in the main namespace are allowed to override default link formatting. This can be updated to include additional namespaces by modifying "MediaWiki:Defaultlinks-enabled-namespaces", separating the namespace IDs with a comma.

If multiple DEFAULTLINK calls appear on one page but specify differing link formatting, a warning will be displayed on the page (from "MediaWiki:duplicate-defaultlink") and the page is placed in "Category:Pages with DEFAULTLINK conflicts".

Avoiding default formatting

The extension will only format caption-less links to pages in the main namespace; the links must also not begin with a colon. Thus, [[Link]] will be formatted, while [[Link|Link]], [[Link]]s, and [[:Link]] will not. Therefore, it is enough to simply provide a caption (i.e. [[Link|Link]]) if you wish to avoid applying default formatting to a link.

The formatting is suppressed inside <nodefaultlinks>...</nodefaultlinks> tags, making those a viable option for avoiding default formatting within, for example, a navbox.

Placing the __NODEFAULTLINKS__ magic word on a page suppresses default link formatting on the entire page.


Create a template (e.g. an infobox) with the DEFAULTLINK function. The function can look something like this:

{{DEFAULTLINK:[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|<span class="some-class" style="color:var(--wiki-accent-color);">{{{name}}}</span>]]}}

Then add the template to the designated page and as the page gets linked to across the wiki, it'll format the link like so:


For real world examples, see the section "Usage on Warcraft Wiki" section over on Warcraft Wiki: