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Welcome to our eighteenth TULIPS (Thursday Updates & Logs Improving Platform Software)! You can read the previous one if you haven't yet.

These posts will be made whenever we have enough development updates to make a post, usually on Thursdays. Because we are starting to work on the MediaWiki 1.43 update, TULIPS will be released less frequently until the update is rolled out.

Live now

Extension updates

  • We've backported a TabberNeue patch made by Untitled7: you can now set custom HTML IDs or classes directly on <tabber> elements.
  • ParserPower has been updated with some patches from Derugon to make some functions' behavior more intuitive, performant and, most importantly, much more consistent with other parser functions.
    • Next time, there will be some more ParserPower patches from both Untitled7 and Derugon that we are in the process of reviewing :)
  • PageSchemas has been updated and should be working again.
  • Cargo: $wgCargoStoreUseTemplateArgsFallback (or the "implicit store behavior") is now DISABLED on all of wiki.gg! We will publish some documentation on what this means and why, but the tldr is that this will help us improve cargo_store performance significantly; and it also enforces a cleaner code standard for wiki admins writing Cargo code.


  • Category pages will be now refreshed for anonymous users when a page is added or removed.
  • Our web server configuration has been updated to squeeze out some more much-needed speed.
  • In EU and the UK, the cookies warning banner is now automatically dismissed when the GDPR consent request is shown.
    • Users with ad-blockers will continue to see the cookies banner.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some top-of-page ads grew to be very large on mobile devices. This was unintended and has been mitigated.
  • Patched a few holes in our onboarding wiki security. As far as we can tell, none of them had been abused :)


  • Since last TULIPS, we've done (a lot more) additional firewall tuning to combat some bad automated traffic. While we are mostly looking at cloud hosting networks, there is always a possibility that some legitimate users (particularly those using VPNs) may be greeted with CAPTCHAs because of their bad neighbours or accidental rule misconfigurations. Please always solve these CAPTCHAs to send us a signal that something might be wrong!


WE DID THIS stands for "Wiki Editors Developed Inspired Designs That Have Interesting Screenshots." You can submit to WE DID THIS by writing in the channel #we-did-this in the wiki.gg Discord server!

No WE DID THIS entries were submitted in this TULIPS period.